Industries Serviced

Industries We Serve

PVI's varied and flexible capabilities mean an ever-expanding range of industries we serve. Our broad reach is here for more than just the automotive industry.


One vehicle is composed of thousands of parts, which often vary in their cleanliness requirements. While some parts require a basic cleaning to remove oils and coolants, others may need to meet more stringent cleanliness specification. PVI Industrial Washing has capacity and processes to help identify and meet all cleaning needs of automotive suppliers.

Services include stainless steel passivation, micro deburring, aluminum etching and metal derusting.

Examples include:

  • Fuel System Components
  • ABS Braking Components
  • Internal Engine Components
  • Internal Transmission Components
  • Electrical Components
  • Interior Trim
  • Exterior Body and Bracket Components
  • Fasteners

Responsive Customer Service

We believe in close personal contact and in working with you as a team. We try to anticipate your needs and offer solutions. Service after the sale gives us insight into your business few others can match. Let us know how we can better serve you.

Quick Pick-Up and Delivery

We offer pick up and delivery of your parts to meet your schedule. This frees your personnel for more important jobs. PVI Industrial Washing customers appreciate our quick turnaround. You will too!

ISO 9001 Certified

Our certified quality system assures you of superior services and consistent quality in every thing we do.

Consistent Quality From Years of Experience

Over 40 years experience in the industrial washing business, gives us the thorough knowledge of washing compounds and construction of state-of-the-art cleaning equipment needed to solve any washing problem.

Comprehensive Cleaning

Our broad range of services saves you the time of coordinating multiple suppliers. From pick-up and delivery . . . washing and drying . . . sorting and labeling . . . packaging . . . de-rusting . . . we do it all.

Creative Problem Solving

Our sales, customer service and marketing personnel serve as your team leaders, bringing your ideas and needs to our production team for maximum speed and efficiency in solving your problems.

Our Expertise

Why do it yourself when PVI Industrial Washing offers your company so many advantages? Our expertise will help to save you time, money, and space. Interested? Click below to learn more.